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Monday, March 28, 2011

Man, Prospect moms LIVE in workout clothes!

Some of you may be wondering what is the motivation behind this blog. Well, what started out as a bonding experiment between two friends just looking for an excuse to spend more time together, has now become my desperate attempt to cling to my youth. ;)

While at the park with my sister (my much younger, cuter, hipper sister)one day last week she repeated a comment one of her guys friends had said. "Man, Prospect moms LIVE in workout clothes." Emphasis on the live, disgust implied in the tone. As I looked down at myself, yup, I fit that to a T. I was in one of the 4 pairs of black stretchy workout pants that I rotate between and an Old Navy tank top. Ug. I looked over at Leon (the cuter, younger Leon) and she was at the park in a flowy white blouse, ankle jeans, and some flats. I didn't know what was worse, the fact that I was no iditifiable as a Mom by my dress, or the fact that it was so unorigional that I only have 4 pairs of pants in the rotation. Now, don't get me wrong, if I had been to the gym that day and had not changed yet, or maybe even if I had run up to the park my ensemble might have been acceptable. But I had not. I had changed into that outfit as soon as I set foot home from work. Or if it was a Saturday, as soon as I changed out of pjs. Sad really.

This blog was my opportunity to step up my game. Dressing up is no longer reserved for church or Derby. I am making it a mission to quit slacking on my appeareance and give up the sweatpants. At least 3 days a week. Babysteps.

My partner in crime Whitney is always on her game! She is that girl that you see in Kroger and think to yourself either (if you are me) "Geez I really need to get out of these sweatpants." or, if you are you, "Wonder where she got that outfit?"

OK, to be fair to myself, I have NEVER worn sweats with words across the butt.


  1. this is too funny! I totally live in sweats at home...if I am being spit up on and wiping runny noses all day why not?

  2. The problem for me was that I leave the house in them. All the time. Day 1 of no sweats!!

  3. You're definitely motivating me! I completely live in sweats in the house- i'm on the floor more than i'm in a nice comfy chair, so why not? But, yes, effort when I leave the house will go a long way to enhance the "not just a mom" feeling- great blog ladies!
